a Our Belief - INCC | National Institute for Combating Cybercrime
We advocate a strategic and consistent action to create a safer digital environment, with effective structural actions to combat cyberattacks and crimes in Brazil.
To this end, we believe in an globally-connected cybersecurity approach, considering the guarantee of individual, collective and national and transnational private sector rights. At the same time, it’s necessary to strengthen our national industry, with a legal security approach towards the protection of data of Brazilian citizens, companies and government. We also believe in education as a tool for social transformation, in the integration of public security policies, as well as a modern regulation, capable of driving constant innovation, based on technical criteria that protect the country and drive it to the forefront of global integration and technological trends. However, resolving these challenges requires close collaboration between the private and the public sector. On the one hand, companies have the knowledge, agility and resources to develop advanced cybersecurity technologies. On the other hand, the state plays a fundamental role in creating policies, regulations and legal structures to promote the security and protection of citizens and companies, also acting as a financier of necessary actions to prevent, repress and combat attacks and cybercrimes, as well as their economic and social effects.
Lack of a nation plan for the cybersecurity agenda
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Lack of qualified cybersecurity workforce
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Lack of collective awareness about cybersecurity
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Lack of qualified database to generate efficient action plans and policies
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International cooperation can be strengthened and expanded
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Lack of public policies towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
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Public Security System does not act with the integration, infrastructure and technical awareness necessary to combat cybercrimes
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We lack incentives for innovating and strengthening the Brazilian digital security market
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Regulation needs to follow agenda priorities and ensure security for improving the sector
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We focus on creating a public-private agenda capable of improving cybersecurity and stopping the harmful growth of cyberattacks and crimes in the country. We generate research and studies that can support public and private debate on the topic, with an intersectoral view of its economic and social impacts. We mobilize different segments of the market, state and civil society and work in partnership to promote an active dialogue, with a sense of urgency and focus on concrete solutions. We follow the evolution of public-private national cybersecurity agenda and strategic initiatives that help Brazil reach a maturity on the topic, with results that positively impact society.
One in five Brazilians has suffered at least one cyberattack attempt in 2020 (Kaspersky)
"The consequences of the lack of cybersecurity in Brazil are harmful to everyone. To effectively face this problem, it is essential to adopt a national cybersecurity policy, with guidelines that guarantee clarity of roles and responsibility among all actors involved, covering both the federal government and subnational entities, involving other sectors of the state and society".
says Fabio Diniz, Founder & Chairman at INCC.